Friday, September 26, 2014


Nothing like a colourful
turtle neck sweater
to stay warm and cozy.
A former colleague and fashion aficionado, Madeleine, used to say that she prefers fall and winter because the colours and textures of clothes are richer and more cozy. I suspect that her preference was guided by her dosha. However, it is true that colors and textures contribute greatly to balance the body, mind and spirit.
According to ayurveda, everything in the universe is energetic and gives off a vibration, including colors, animals,
people and things. Since autumn is a cooler season, turn to warmer, richer hues for comfort and nourishment is a natural reflex for most of us.
In India, there is a celebration dedicated to Goddess Durga (the ultimate feminine power inherent in all Creation) called Navrati or Nine Divine Nights. One of the particulars of this tradition is that each woman wears nine colours of dress on the worship during those nights. What a symbolic way to express the fullness of life!
The fall Equinox is a time to celebrate nature's harvest, a time of pow wows, thanks giving parties where women (and some men) are busy in the kitchen preparing warming soups and stews, perogies, corn cakes, pumpkin pies and adding spices of all colours and scents.
Of course, scents are an important aspect of the celebrations. When the winds and chills of Vata arrive, prepare your body with pancha karma treatments; massage your body with warm sesame oil and frankincense, myrrh, tulsi, nutmeg, cumin, turmeric, tarragon, marjoram, orange, oregano essential oils or use them in your diffuser. Of course, cooking with them will also warm you up.
While those with Pitta and Kapha constitutions may enjoy this time of year, here are symptoms that tell you that your Vata side needs nurturing with warm foods and clothes, routine, and grounding activities:
- nervousness, anxiety, panic, fear
- lack of concentration
- twitches, tics, tremors, spasms
- dry or chapped skin
- cracking joints
- constipation, gas, bloating, dry, hard stools
- low body weight
- dislike of cold and wind
- difficulty tolerating noises
- light, interrupted sleep
- spacey, scattered feeling
- excess thinking or worrying.

You are also welcome the Vata season by book a warming aromatherapy session or purification of the senses treatment with Samyukta.

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